adventures, fitness, Mental Health, Uncategorized

Quiet Contemplation and Reflection

Around here we try to take the time to reflect on our actions, thoughts and words frequently, but, as with all things, life gets the best of us and it gets lost in the shuffle. So, Sunday's are a day for some reflection and introspection. For myself, it's easy to sit and think about the… Continue reading Quiet Contemplation and Reflection

adventures, family, Uncategorized

Recharge, Reset, and Reflect

Sometimes in life, we find magic in the most unexpected places. The way a person smiles at us, the way a laugh can change your whole day, or even the way a song can spark a memory. These moments have a way of changing us, creating fragments of the person we are, and yet, we… Continue reading Recharge, Reset, and Reflect

adventures, family

A Much Awaited Family Reunion

This year has been a wild ride, and a struggle for nearly every person out there. Most of us are spending the holidays without our loved ones and it is incredibly hard. Our family was no exception, and for the second year in a row the kids would miss seeing their daddy at Christmas. As… Continue reading A Much Awaited Family Reunion

adventures, Parenting

Travelling With Children and Why I Do It

Another miniature adventure checked off our list. Have you ever travelled alone with children? It’s not always the easiest or most fun thing to do, and let’s face it, kids can be downright annoying at times. My oldest two are always fighting with each other and asking “are we there yet?”, and my youngest tends… Continue reading Travelling With Children and Why I Do It